Maree Tulley

I have recently joined the NACP Team as the Cimate Mate for the Channel Country.
I grew up between Boulia and Bedourie and worked on Stations along the Georgina and Diamantina after leaving school. I then spent a lot of time in the Mulga Country of Queensland before gaining the opportunity to work at the former Department of Primary Industries based in Longreach, where I was involved in delivering the Grazing Land Management EDGE package, which, luckily for me, included the Channel Country.
I was also involved in the Delbessie project for the former Department of Environment and Resource Management which included assessing the land condition of properties in the paddock, from Birsdville to Bowen and a quite a few places in between.
I am a Jack of All Trades, master of none, having worked across the 3 levels of Government, including Stock Routes, Natural Disaster Recovery and Vegeation Management as well as in Shearing Sheds, tending bars and flipping burgers!
I am excited to be a part of the NACP team, working with the Producers in the Channel Country.
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