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NACP Scientific Publications


Making Australian Drought Monitor dataset findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable

Francis Gacenga, Duc-Anh An-Vo, Jillian McCulloch, Richard Young, David Cobon, Making Australian Drought Monitor dataset findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (2024),

CoMorph-A: Idealised testing

Sally L. Lavender, Alison J. Stirling, Michael Whitall, Rachel Stratton, Chimene L. Daleu, Robert S. Plant, Adrian Lock, Jian-Feng Gu, The use of idealised experiments in testing a new convective parameterization: Performance of CoMorph-A, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (QJRMS)(2024),

Retreat in the Australian monsoon

Cowan, T., Hinds, E., Marshall, A., Wheeler, M. C., de Burgh-Day, C, Observing and forecasting the retreat of northern Australia's rainy season, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science (2024), 74, ES23022

Cattle heat stress

Cowan, T., Wheeler, M. C., Cobon, D.H., Gaughan, J. B., Marshall, A.G., Sharples, W., McCulloch, J., Jarvis, C., Observed climatology and variability of cattle heat stress in Australia, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2024),

Managing extreme weather risk

Luo, Q., Wen, L., Cowan, T., Schilling, D., Seasonal Climate Forecast-An Important Tool in Managing the Risk of Extreme Weather Events in Australia’s Wheat Industry, Luo, Q., Wen, L., Cowan, T., Schilling, D., Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2024),

Australian monsoon rainfall trends

Fahrenbach, N.L.S., Bollasina, M.A., Samset, B.H., Cowan, T., Ekman, A.M.L, Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing Played a Key Role in the Multidecadal Increase in Australian Summer Monsoon Rainfall, Journal of Climate (2024), 37, 895-911, (published online)

Climate change impacts at beef enterprises

Duc-Anh An-Vo, David Cobon, Jo Owens, Adam Liedloff, Tim Cowan, Scott Power, Impacts of environmental feedbacks on the production of a Central Queensland beef enterprise in a future climate, Agricultural Systems (2024), 214, (published online)

Hadley circulation

Lionello P., D’Agostino R., Ferreira D., Nguyen H., Singh M., The Hadley circulation in a changing climate, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences NYAS15114 ( (2024), 214, (published online)


ENSO and multidecadal variability

Heidemann, H., Cowan, T., Power, S.B., Henley, B.J., 2023, Statistical relationships between the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Climate Dynamics (2023), 73, 262-279 (published online)

GC5 evaluation

Li C., Hudson D., Zhou X., Zhu H., Wheeler M. C., Young G., Marzin C., Roberts L., 2023, Biases and teleconnections in the Met Office Global Coupled Model version 5.0 (GC5) – insights for seasonal prediction and Australia, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science (2023), 73, 262-279 (published online)

Flash drought

Nguyen H., Wheeler M. C., Otkin J. A., Nguyen-Huy T., Cowan T. , 2023, Climatology and Composite Evolution of Flash Drought over Australia and Its Vegetation Impacts, Journal of Hydrometeorology (published online)

Developing a combined drought indicator

Guillory, L., Pudmenzky, Nguyen-Huy, T., C., Cobon, DH, 2023, A drought monitor for Australia, Environmental Modelling & Software (published online)

MJO extreme temperature impacts

Marshall A.G., G. Wang, H.H. Hendon, H. Lin, 2023 Madden-Julian Oscillation teleconnections to Australian springtime temperature extremes and their prediction in ACCESS-S1 Climate Dynamics (published online)

Australian Monsoon variability

Heidemann H., Cowan T., Henley B, 2023 Variability and long-term change in Australian monsoon rainfall: A review WIREs Climate Change, doi: 10.1002/wcc.823.

MJO temperature impacts

Marshall A., Wheeler M., Cowan, T., 2023 Madden-Julian Oscillation Impacts on Australian Temperatures and Extremes J. Climate 36 (2), 335-357,

MJO/ENSO rainfall impacts

Cowan, T., Wheeler M., Marshall A., 2023 The Combined Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Australian Rainfall J. Climate 36 (2), 313-334,

Maritime Continent weather/climate dynamics

Liang, J., Yong, Y., Hawcroft, M., 2023 Long-term trends in atmospheric rivers over East Asia Climate Dynamics, 60, 643-666,

Long-range ENSO prediction

S. Sharmila, H. Hendon, O. Alves, A. Weisheimer, M. Balmaseda, 2023 Contrasting El Niño-La Niña Predictability and Prediction Skill in 2-Year Reforecasts of the Twentieth Century Journal of Climate (2023), 36(5), 1269-1285,


Northern Australia Climate Program

Sally Lavender, Tim Cowan, Matthew Hawcroft, Matthew C. Wheeler, Chelsea Jarvis, David Cobon, Hanh Nguyen, Debra Hudson, S. Sharmila, Andrew Marshall, Catherine de Burgh-Day, Sean Milton, Alison Stirling, Oscar Alves, and Harry H. Hendon, 2022 The Northern Australia Climate Program: Overview and selected highlights BAMS 103 (11), E2492-E2505,

Seasonal forecasts

Hope, P., M. Zhao, S. Abhik, G. Tolhurst, R. McKay, S. P. Rauniyar, L. Bettio, A. Ramchurn, E-P. Lim, A. S. Pepler, T. Cowan, A. Watkins, 2022 Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate forecasts provide the backbone of a near real-time Event Explainer service, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2022), 103, S7-S13, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0253.1.

Qld floods

Cowan T., Wheeler M., de Burgh-Day C., Nguyen H., Cobon D., 2022 Multi-week prediction of livestock chill conditions associated with the northwest Queensland floods of February 2019 Scientific Reports Sci Rep 12, 5907,

Modelling Maritime Continent weather features

Liang, J., Tan, M. L., Hawcroft, M., Catto J.L., Hodges K.I., Haywood, J.M., 2022 Monsoonal precipitation over Peninsular Malaysia in the CMIP6 HighResMIP experiments: The role of model resolution Climate Dynamics (2022) 58, 2783-2805

Long lead ENSO prediction

Westheimer, A., Balmaseda, M. A., Stockdale, T. N., Mayer, M., Boisseson, E. de, Sharmila, S., Hendon, H.H., Alves, O., 2022 Variability of ENSO Forecast Skill in 2-Year Global Reforecasts Over the 20th Century Geophysical Research Letters (2022), 49, e2022GL097885.

The Ocean-Monsoon

Heidemann, H., J. Ribbe, B. J. Henley, T. Cowan, C. Pudmenzky, R. Stone and D. H. Cobon, 2022 The Influence of Interannual and Decadal Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Australian Monsoon Rainfall Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0264.1.


Northern Australia Climate Program

David Cobon, Chelsea Jarvis, Kate Reardon-Smith, Laura Guillory, Christa Pudmenzky, Shahbaz Mushtaq, Roger Stone, 2021, Northern Australia Climate Program - Supporting adaptation in rangeland grazing systems through more targeted climate forecasts, improved drought information and an innovative extension program Rangelands Journal - invited special issue on drought - Sept 2021,

Using the evaporative stress index to monitor flash drought in Australia

Nguyen, H., Wheeler, M.C., Otkin, J.A., Cowan, T., Frost, A., Stone, R., 2019.Using the evaporative stress index to monitor flash drought in Australia. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6), 064016.

Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during the 1910-2010 period.

Cobon, D.H., Kouadio, L., Mushtaq, S., Jarvis, C., Carter, J., Stone, G., Davis, P., 2019Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture-growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during 1910-2010. Crop and Pasture Science, 70, pp. 634-647.

Forecasting the extreme rainfall, low temperatures, and strong winds associated with the northern Queensland floods of February 2019.

Cowan, T., Wheeler, M.C., Alves, O., Narsey, S., de Burgh-Day, C., Griffiths,M., Jarvis, C., Cobon, D.H., Hawcroft, M.K., 2019. Forecasting the extreme rainfall, low temperatures, and strong winds associated with the northern Queensland floods of February 2019. Weather and Climate Extremes, 26.

Valuing seasonal climate forecasts in the northern Australia beef industry

Cobon, D.H., Darbyshire, R., Crean, J., Kodur, S., Simpson, M., Jarvis, C. Valuing Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the Northern Australia Beef Industry. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12(1).

Mechanisms for multiyear variations of northern Australia wet-season rainfall

Sharmila, S. & Hendon, H.H., 2020. Mechanisms of multiyear variations of Northern Australia wet-season rainfall. Nature Scientific Report, 10, 5086.

Flash droughts present a new challenge for subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction

Pendergrass, A.G., Meehl, G.A., Pulwarty, R., Hobbins, M., et al., 2020. Flash droughts present a new challenge for subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction. Nature Climate Change 10, pp. 191-199.

Integrating climate information and spatial diversification increases grazing profitability and decreases risk

Nguyen-Huy, T., Kath, J., Mushtaq, S., Cobon, D., Stone, G., Stone, R., 2020. Integrating climate information and spatial diversification increases grazing profitability and decreases risk. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40(4).

Improving the seasonal prediction of Northern Australian rainfall onset to help with grazing management decisions.

Cowan, T., Stone, R., Wheeler, M.C., Griffiths, M., 2020. Improving the seasonal prediction of Northern Australian rainfall onset to help with grazing management decisions. Climate Services, 19, 100182.

Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part I: high-resolution climate model verification

Sharmila, S., Walsh, K.J.E., Thatcher, M., Wales, S., Utembe, S., 2020. Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part I: high-resolution climate model verification Journal of Climate, 33(4), pp. 1455-1472.

Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part II: sensitivity of tropical cyclone formation to uniform and meridionally-varying sea surface temperatures under aquaplanet conditions

Walsh, K.J.E., Sharmila, S., Thatcher, M., Wales, S., Utembe, S., Vaughan, A., 2020. Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part II: sensitivity of tropical cyclone formation to uniform and meridionally-varying sea surface temperatures under aquaplanet conditions. Journal of Climate, 33(4), pp. 1473-1486.

Native pastures and beef cattle show a spatially variable response to a changing climate in Queensland, Australia

Cobon, D.H., Stone, G., Carter, J., McKeon, G., Zhang, B., Heidemann, H., 2020. Native pastures and beef cattle show a spatially variable response to a changing climate in Queensland, Australia. European Journal of Agronomy, 114, 126002.

Climatology and variability of the evaporative stress index (ESI) and its suitability as a tool to monitor Australian drought

Nguyen, H., Otkin, J.A., Wheeler, M.C., Hope, P., Trewin, B., Pudmenzky, C., 2020. Climatology and variability of the evaporative stress index (ESI) and its suitability as a tool to monitor Australian drought. Journal of Hydrometeorlogy, 21(10), pp.2309-2324.

Are Changes in Atmospheric Circulation Important for Black Carbon Aerosol Impacts on Clouds, Precipitation, and Radiation?

Johnson, B.T., Haywood, J.M., Hawcroft, M.K., 2019. Are Changes in Atmospheric Circulation Important for Black Carbon Aerosol Impacts on Clouds, Precipitation and Radiation? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(14), pp. 7930-7950.

Global climatology of rainfall rates and life-time accumulated rainfall in tropical cyclones: Influence of cyclone basin, cyclone intensity and cyclone size

Lavender, S.L., McBride, J.L.,Global climatology of rainfall rates and life-time accumulated rainfall in tropical cyclones: Influence of cyclone basin, cyclone intensity and cyclone size, 2020. International Journal of Climatology, 41(S1), pp.E1217-E1235.

The Influence of Interannual and Decadal Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Australian Monsoon Rainfall

Heidemann, H., Ribbe, J., Henley, B.J., Cowan, T., Pudmenzky, C., Stone, R., Cobon, D.H. 2022. The Influence of Interannual and Decadal Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Australian Monsoon Rainfall. Journal of Climate, 35(1), pp. 425-444.

Present-day greenhouse gases could cause more frequent and longer Dust Bowl heatwaves

Cowan, T., Undorf, S., Hegerl, G.C., Harrington, L.J., Otto, F.E.L., 2020. Present-day greenhouse gases could cause more frequent and longer Dust Bowl heatwaves, Nature Climate Change, 10, pp. 505-510.

Northern Australia Climate Program - Supporting adaptation in rangeland grazing systems through more targeted climate forecasts, improved drought information and an innovative extension program

Cobon, D.H., Jarvis, C., Reardon-Smith, K., Guillory, L., Pudmenzky, C. Mushtaq, S., Stone, R., 2021. The Rangeland Journal 43(3), pp. 87-100.

Ocean and land forcing of the record-breaking Dust Bowl heatwaves across central United States

Cowan, T., Hegerl, G., Schurer, A., Tett, S., Vautard, R., Yiou, P. Jezequel, A., Otto, F.E.L., Harrington, L.J., Ng, B., 2020. Ocean and land forcing of the record-breaking Dust Bowl heatwaves across central United States. Nature Communications, 11, 2870.

Insights From CMIP6 for Australias Future Climate

Grose, M., Narsey, S., Delage, F., Dowdy, A., Bador, M., Boschat, G., Chung, C. Kajtar, J., Rauniyar, S., Freund, M., Lyu, K., Rashid, H., Zhang, X., Wales, S. Trenham, C., Holbrook, N., Cowan, T., Alexander, L., Arblaster, J., Power, S., 2020. Insights From CMIP6 for Australias Future Climate. Earths Future, 8(5), e2019EF001469.

Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events

Domiesen, D., White, C.J., Afargan-Gerstman, H., Munoz, A.G., Janiga, M.A. Vitart, F., Wulff, C.O., Antoine, S., Ardilouze, C., Batte, L., Bloomfield H.C., Brayshaw, D., Camargo, S.J., Charlton-Perez, A., Collins, D., Cowan, T. et al., 2022. Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events, Bulletin of the American Meterological Society, published online 3 March 2022.

Insights into the value of seasonal forecasts to agriculture

Darbyshire, R., Crean, J., Cashen, M., Rajin, M., Broadfoot, K., Simpson, M. Cobon, D.H., Pudmenzky, C., Kouadio, L., Kodur, S., 2020. Insights into the value of seasonal climate forecasts to agriculture, Australian Journal of Agricultural and resource economics, 64(4), pp. 1034-1058.

Creating positive synergies between risk management and transfer to accelerate food system climate resilience

Mushtaq, S., Kath, J., Stone, R., Henry, R., Laderach, R., Reardon, P., Smith, K. Cobon, D.H., et al., 2020. Creating positive synergies between risk management and transfer to accelerate food system climate resilience. Climate Change, 161, pp. 465-478.

Forecasting northern Australian summer rainfall bursts using a seasonal prediction system

Cowan, T., Wheeler, M.C., Sharmila, S., Narsey, S., de Burgh-Day, C., 2022. Forecasting northern Australian summer rainfall bursts using a seasonal prediction system. Weather and forecasting, 37(1), pp. 23-44.

Impacts of Low-Frequency Internal Climate Variability and Greenhouse Warming on El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Ng, B., Cai, W., Cowan, T., Bi, D., 2021. Impacts of Low-Frequency Internal Climate Variability and Greenhouse Warming on El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 34(6), pp. 2205-2218.

The 2019 flash droughts in subtropical eastern Australia and their association with large-scale climate drivers

Nguyen, H., Wheeler, M.C., Hendon, H.H., Lim, E., Otkin, J.A., 2021. The 2019 flash droughts in subtropical eastern Australia and their association with large-scale climate drivers. Weather and Climate Extremes, 32, 100321.

Estimation of maximum seasonal tropical cyclone damage in the Atlantic using climate models

Lavender, S., Walsh, K.J.E., Utembe, S., et al., 2021. Estimation of maximum seasonal tropical cyclone damage in the Atlantic using climate models. Natural Hazards, 110, pp. 1025-1038.

The Benefits of Ensemble Prediction for Forecasting an Extreme Event: The Queensland Floods

Hawcroft, M., Lavender, S., Copsey, D., Milton, S., Rodriguez, J., Tennant, W., Webster, S., Cowan, T., 2021. The Benefits of Ensemble Prediction for Forecasting an Extreme Event: The Queensland Floods. Monthly Weather Review, 149, pp. 2391-2408.

Development of a flash drought intensity index

Otkin, J.A., Zhong, Y., Hunt, E.D., Christian, J.I., Basara, J.B., Nguyen, H., Wheeler, M.C. Ford, T.W., Hoell, A., Svoboda, M., Anderson, M.C., 2021. Development of a flash drought intensity index. Atmosphere, 12(6), 741.

Climatology of Borneo Vortices in the HadGEM3-GC3.1 General Circulation Model

Liang, J., Catto, J.L., Hawcroft, M., Hodges, K.I., Leong Tan, M., Haywood., 2021. Climatology of Borneo Vortices in the HadGEM3-GC3.1 General Circulation Model. Journal of Climate 34(9), pp. 3401-3419.

Why Australia was not wet during spring 2020 despite La Niña.

Lim, E.P., Hudson, D., Wheeler, M.C., Marshall, A., King, A., Zhu, H., Hendon, H.H., de Burgh-Day, C., et al., 2021. Why Australia was not wet during spring 2020 despite La Niña. Scientific Reports, 11, 18423.

Queenslands multi-year Wet and Dry periods: implications for grazing enterprises and pasture resources.

McKeon, G., Stone, G., Ahrens, D., Carter, J., Cobon, D.H., Irvine, S., Syktus, J., 2021. Queenslands multi-year Wet and Dry periods: implications for grazing enterprises and pasture resources. Rangeland Journal, 43(3), pp. 121-142.


Walker circulation

Kang, Xie, Shin, Kim, Hwang, Stuecker, Xiang, Hawcroft, 2020 Walker circulation response to extratropical radiative forcing Science Advances (2020), 6, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd3021.

Integrating El Niño-Southern Oscillation Information and Spatial Diversification to Minimize Risk and Maximize Profit for Australian Grazing Enterprises

Nguyen-Huy, T., Kath, J., Mushtaq, S., Cobon, D., Stone, G. and Stone, R., 2020. Integrating El Niño-Southern Oscillation information and spatial diversification to minimize risk and maximize profit for Australian grazing enterprises. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40(1), p.4.


Review of Tropical Cyclones in the Australian Region: Climatology, Variability, Predictability, and Trends

Chand, S.S., Dowdy, A.J., Ramsay, H.A., Walsh, K.J., Tory, K.J., Power, S.B., Bell S.S., Lavender, S.L., Ye, H. and Kuleshov, Y., 2019. Review of tropical cyclones in the Australian region: Climatology, variability, predictability, and trends. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10(5), p.e602.

Forecasting the Extreme Rainfall, Low Temperatures, and Strong Winds Associated With the Northern Queensland Floods of February 2019

Cowan, T., Wheeler, M.C., Alves, O., Narsey, S., de Burgh-Day, C., Griffiths, M. Jarvis, C., Cobon, D.H. and Hawcroft, M.K., 2019. Forecasting the extreme rainfall low temperatures, and strong winds associated with the northern Queensland floods of February 2019. Weather and Climate Extremes, 26, p.100232.

ETIN-MIP Extratropical-Tropical Interaction Model Intercomparison Project – Protocol and Initial Results

Kang, S.M., Hawcroft, M., Xiang, B., Hwang, Y.T., Cazes, G., Codron, F., Crueger T., Deser, C., Hodnebrog, O., Kim, H. and Kim, J., 2019. ETIN-MIP Extratropical-Tropical Interaction Model Intercomparison Project–protocol and initial results. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.



NACP at the 2024 Richmond Field Day

Marshall, A. (2024) NACP at the 2024 Richmond Field Day. NACP Extension, University of Southern Queensland

Rain Ready in Top Springs, NT

Marshall, A. and Hinds, E. (2024) Rain Ready in Top Springs, NT. NACP Extension, University of Southern Queensland


A NACP climate roadshow in Queenslands Gulf Country

Marshall, A. (2022) A NACP climate roadshow in Queensland’s Gulf Country. Research, Bureau of Meteorology


Lessons learned in outback Western Australia

Marshall, A. (2021) Lessons learned in outback Western Australia. Research, Bureau of Meteorology


Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP0819)

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T., Clarke, M (2020) Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP0819). Final Report, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland

Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Drought and Climate Adaptation Program Appendix 4: An Impact Assessment of USQ4

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T., Clarke, M (2020) Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP0819). Final Report, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland, Northern Australia Climate Program (Phase 2)

DCAP Phase 2 - 2020 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report

COUTTS, J., SAMSON, A., COUTTS, B. & RENNIE, L. 2020 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report 2020. DCAP Phase 2

Methodology for Producing the Drought Monitor

Pudmenzky, C. Guillory, L. Cobon, D. Nguyen-Huy, T., 2020. Methodology for producing the drought monitor, Northern Australia Climate Program (NACP).


Drought Outlook Products Review

David Cobon, Thong Nguyen-Huy & Kate Reardon-Smith 2019. Drought Outlook Product Review. Northern Australia Climate Program (NACP).

DCAP Phase 2 - 2019 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report

COUTTS, J., SAMSON, A., COUTTS, B. & RENNIE, L. 2019 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report 2019. DCAP Phase 2


DCAP Phase 2 - 2018 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report

COUTTS, J., SAMSON, A., COUTTS, B. & RENNIE, L. 2018 Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report 2018. DCAP Phase 2


Output 3a Identify and provide a map for each industry of the decision-making requirements relevant for sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecasting information

ICACS 2017. Output 3a Identify and provide a map for each industry of the decision-making requirements relevant for sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecasting information, RRDfP1 USQ MS 4 Report. In: (ICACS), I. C. F. A. C. S. (ed.). Unpublished: University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba Qld, Australia.

Preliminary Benchmarking Survey Results, Queensland Government Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP)

COUTTS, J. R. 2017. Preliminary Benchmarking Survey Results, Queensland Government Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP). In: COUTTS, J. R. (ed.). Unpublished.

DAF DCAP1 Interim M&E Progress Report

COUTTS, J., SAMSON, A., COUTTS, B. & RENNIE, L. 2017. DAF DCAP1 Interim M&E Progress Report. In: R, C. J. (ed.). unpublished.

Northern Australia Climate Project Phase 1

Christa Pudmenzky, David Cobon, Shahbaz Mushtaq & Roger Stone. 2017 Final Report. Meat and Livestock Australia , North Sydney. P.PSH.0791

Scoping Study in Support of a Co-Innovation R&D for Profit Proposal

MUSHTAQ, S., COBON, D. H., PUDMENZKY, C., KATH, J. & REARDON-SMITH, K. 2016. Scoping study in support of a co-innovation R&D for Profit proposal, Final Report to Meat and Livestock Australia. North Sydney, NSW: Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. B.GFB.0003

Other Scientific Publications


Agroclimatology in Grasslands: Linking Agriculture to Climate

Cobon, D.H., Baethgen, W.E., Landman, W., Williams, A., van Garderen, E.A. Johnston, P., Malherbe, J., Maluleke, P., Kgakatsi, I.B. and Davis, P., 2020. Agroclimatology in grasslands. Agroclimatology: Linking Agriculture to Climate, 60 pp.369-423.


Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in Cape York

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in Central Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in Central West Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in East Downs

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in Far North Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in the Gulf Region

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in the Maranoa and Districts Region

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in North West Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in South East Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in South West Queensland

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in the Townsville-Thuringowa Region

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in the Whitsunday, Hinterland and Mackay Region

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for a Variable and Changing Climate in the Wide Bay Burnett Region

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ, and Williams AAJ (2017). Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in 13 NATURAL RESOURCE REGIONS IN QUEENSLAND. International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.


The Climate Change Risk Management Matrix For the Grazing Industry of Northern Australia

Cobon, D.H., Stone, G.S., Carter, J.O., Scanlan, J.C., Toombs, N.R., Zhang, X. Willcocks, J. and McKeon, G.M., 2009. The climate change risk management matrix for the grazing industry of northern Australia. The Rangeland Journal, 31(1), pp.31-49.


Summative Evaluation of Climate Application Activities with Pastoralists in Western Queensland

Cobon, D.H., Bell, K.L., Park, J.N. and Keogh, D.U., 2008. Summative evaluation of climate application activities with pastoralists in western Queensland. The Rangeland Journal, 30(3), pp.361-374.


Climate Information Needs of Gascoyne-Murchison Pastoralists: a Representative Study of the Western Australian Grazing Industry

Keogh, D.U., Watson, I.W., Bell, K.L., Cobon, D.H. and Dutta, S.C., 2006. Climate information needs of Gascoyne Murchison pastoralists: a representative study of the Western Australian grazing industry. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(12), pp.1613-1625.


Formative Evaluation to Benchmark and Improve Climate-Based Decision Support for Graziers in Western Queensland

Keogh, D.U., Bell, K.L., Park, J.N. and Cobon, D.H., 2004. Formative evaluation to benchmark and improve climate-based decision support for graziers in western Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 44(3), pp.233-246.


Integrating Climate Forecasts and Geospatial Systems to Enhance Grazing Management in Northern Australia

Park, J.N., Cobon, D. and Crabb, D.M., 2001. Integrating climate forecasts and geospatial systems to enhance grazing management in northern Australia. In Geospatial Information and Agriculture Conference in Everleigh, NSW’.(NSW Agriculture: Sydney.).

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