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Case Studies

Breeding cattle and managing grazing country to build resilience

Competency in understanding forecasts and reading the season on the ground as it unfolds is very important.

Climate information helps build a sustainable grazing business

The NACP provides a connection for us with the climate forecasts and specialists to meet the needs of our grazing business.

Climate smart strategies help spread the risk

The green date is probably one of the fundamentals of the whole grazing business.

Seasonal climate forecasts provide insights that take the hard work out of making decisions

Rain is our number one. If it doesn't rain, we don't make money. So, understanding what's happening helps you make decisions, and it helps you manage your risks.

Rotating paddocks and adjusting stock numbers helps maintain pasture condition and soil health

You can make decisions off your own intuition, or you can make them with some insight from what the climate forecasting is telling you. And I've found that climate forecasting's been beneficial.

Building resilience to rainfall variability in the Central Highlands

integration of climate information into decision-making processes can help to build a more sustainable and resilient business

Understanding climate information builds confidence in decision-making

Key message: Taking a climate-informed stewardship approach in decision- making helps balance social, economic, and environmental considerations.

Integrating climate forecasts helps align decisions with anticipated conditions

It’s good to see that the decisions you make are actually informed.

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